All china mtk H.P. drivers here will already machine intall

Its contents details below:
Update History:

1. update on v zero.1
The Addition Of USB MT657x
The Addition Of A60 P70 LAN USB
The Addition Of A68E PASSW

2. update on v zero.2
Addition Of The A750 Gsm Modems
The addition of MTK USB one.1123

3. update on v0.3
The addition of USB MT6577 a pair of.0.1136.0

4. update on v0.4
The addition of MT 6573 \ seventy five seventy seven \ Install + electronic equipment v one.1123

5. update on v0.5
The addition of SP Drivers v1.4-тест на Win eight

6. update on v zero.6
Fiture Drivers machine Installer
already support Install + modem_v one.1121

for the newest MTK USB options All the drivers v zero.6

The MT 75-6573 \ \ seventy seven Install + electronic equipment
MT6573 USB
MT6577 USB a pair of.0.1136
MTK 1.1123
A750 Gsm Modems USB
V1.4 SP Drivers Win eight All
Drivers machine Installer