1) First you need a cable. Fortunately you can get a cable for any vision phone from Radio Shack for only $19.99, buy it online or in a local store. Note: the cable for Sanyo 4900 works the same for 5300; the cable for LG 5350 is actually a Prolific serial-to-USB converter. A true USB cable for LG 5350 can only be found in the $79 SPCS connection kit (you can still find one on eBay, but you'll have to pay $150 or more for such a simple cable).

2) You need a driver for the cable. You can download the driver from SPCS here:

Note that the downloading page is very confusing and you have to select the very correct one, or you'll be messed up. Select exactly the "Windows 98SE, ME, 2000, XP" for the "Select a platform" drop-down list and "PCS Connection Manger (SM) Software" for the "Select an item".

Then, don't install the downloaded CM - just extract the files. All the drivers are there. When you plugged in your phone and Windows asks you for the driver, point it to there.

For LG 5350, the drivers for the cable are not included in the downloaded CM. For the true USB cable, you can find the driver in the "(Vision) PCS Connection Manager (SM) Software for USB Cables and Airprime PC 3200 Ver. 01.01.022", downloadable from above link. For the Radio Shack $19.99 cable, you can download the Prolific driver from www.futuredial.com. If it is not a true USB cable, you also must change the phone setting from default USB to serial and set the speed to 115200. BTW, how to know if it is a true USB cable? Simple, a true USB cable does not have any box, which holds a serial-to-USB converter, in the middle of the cable.