Instant "Reverse Phone Lookup" for Cell Phones to Identify Owners
Have you ever needed to find out who owns a cell phone or who is at an unlisted number? You may just be able to find out.
It should be noted that this is not practical (or even legal) in every case. However, for those situations where it is, do the following; this method is both free and can be relatively easy.
You can call a number yourself and get the information from the user, just as a private eye might. You can do this via the following methods:
Important Notice: The strategies and investigative techniques described in the following paragraphs are published for educational purposes ONLY! Please be sure to review the important legal information regarding these techniques at the bottom of this page, as these techniques are controversial, and in some situations, they're illegal. We strongly recommend that you consult an attorney regarding your rights and your local & state laws as they relate to investigating an individual in your applicable location before conducting an investigation of any kind. All information presented on this site is for educational purposes only. Please read the terms of use for more information on your responsibilities by using, as well as information about liabilities, and our disclaimer. |
· Pretend you've just called the wrong number.
Call as though you're looking for a particular friend of yours, such as John Smith, and when the person says, "You've got the wrong number," say something to the effect of, "Whose number is this?" They may just slip up and give you the information you're looking for. It's important to note that if you use this strategy, you should not call from your home number or cell phone number, but from a public "non-blocked" number, such as that of a pay phone.
· Pretend you're someone else.
You can pretend that you're calling from a company that the person would normally use, such as a car insurance company or other community service company. You can simply say that you only have the phone number they left with you and you need additional information.
Now, it should be noted that this last method is called "pretext" and is considered illegal and fraudulent in many cases. Therefore, use it at your own risk and with full knowledge that what you're doing may be illegal.
I am not trying to say that either of these aforementioned methods is the best way to go about finding out who owns a particular cell phone number, only that they are ways which exist in regards to how you can find out.
· Ask them who they are.
If you're feeling particularly lucky, simply call the person up and ask them who they are when the person answers. They may or may not say, but it's worth a try. However, I don't recommend doing this if the person will recognize your voice or if who you are can be "found out" in some way.
You should also know that you can also use the national records database search at Reverse Phone Detective, which is inexpensive and legal. They have about an 80% success rate based upon my own experience with them. It will cost you a small fee, but it's also a legal source and you won't have to play "private detective" or risk breaking any laws to find out what you need to know.